Thursday, January 5, 2012

On Becoming Extraordinary

"People do not decide to become extraordinary. They decide to accomplish extraordinary things."   --Edmund Hillary.

I stumbled across this quote the other day, and it made me stop and think for a while. It seems a bit contrary with what I've decided to do this year.  But after thinking about it, I do see his point. The people I deem "extraordinary" are that way because of the things they did that defined who they were. 

With this in mind, I decided to think about the extraordinary things I want to do with my life.  Some of them are actually pretty average, if a little crazy, and others are borderline impossible. The list I've managed so far seems like it's just going to get longer every day. So here are some of my long term crazy goals. 

I want to:

  • Backpack through Europe
  • Try bungee jumping and sky diving
  • Jump out of a helicopter, onto a snow-capped mountain, and snowboard my way down. 
  • Own a loft apartment and live in it with just me and a Husky I will call JD
  • Live in NYC for a couple years and then move somewhere even crazier
  • Attend the Carnival in Venice, Italy
  • Paint/draw something truly remarkable
  • See the ball drop in Times Square and get kissed at midnight
  • Change someone's life for the better
  • Be as faithful, passionate, transparent, and effective as Beth Moore
  • Write something that Matters
  • Own a publishing company or become a CEO
  • Last, but not least, to hear the words "Good and Faithful servant, well done." 

I guess what it all boils down to is that I want to LIVE: with purpose, with a sense of adventure, with a desire for new experiences, and the will to accomplish them. Granted, most of this list may never get checked off. But I have to start somewhere. 

So here are some of the smaller things I'm starting this new year so I can be a more effective person. Baby steps, if you will :)

  • Apply to 5 publishing jobs every week until I get one
  • Work out 3-5 times a week so I can be more healthy, and so that I can board more effectively
  • Eat right
  • Read at least 1 nonfiction book every month to improve my mind
  • Study God's word in my personal time so that I can be transformed by the renewing of my mind
  • Become a better friend
  • Learn to live out The Four Agreements
  • Create my Life Plan
  • Do the things that bring me Joy: reading, writing, drawing, singing, etc.
The list I've created seems simple, but I have a feeling a few of the items on it are going to be harder than I anticipated. At the very least, it's enough to get me started. Extraordinary is something that takes some building up to. But I plan to. Even if it takes the rest of my life to do it. 

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