Thursday, January 12, 2012



It's funny how when you think you have things figured out, that's usually when something hits you and you're back at square one--not knowing anything. I had that moment last week. I was feeling good, better than I had in a very long time.

Then, a bunch of things hit me at once. Suddenly I wasn't sure if the path I'd chosen was right at all. What if, in my hurry to drag myself out of my pit, I had set myself to run in the completely wrong direction? Because how arrogant was it, really, that I had decided that I was this special person who was going to do something extraordinary? Who was I to think that the plan I had created for myself was what God wanted for me?

Luckily, during one of these attacks of self-doubt, this song came on the radio. 
"Cause He who is in me, is greater than I will ever be, and I will rise."

It was exactly what I needed to hear. Because I am not extraordinary for any of the things I have done, but I am as I am because of He who is in me. And it is He who placed these desired on my heart. I believe that my Dreams and Aspirations are in accordance with His plan for me. I also believe that he will correct me if I'm wrong and none too gently.

Eventually I began to see this spell for what it was: an attack. The same doubts and worries that preceded my fall into the pit were grasping my ankle, and trying to eradicate any progress I had made. 
So here is the song I have on repeat on any of those days where I can't seem to believe in myself. 

"I will Rise, out of these Ashes, Rise, From this trouble I have found and this rubble on the ground, I will Rise." 

Rise--Shawn McDonald

1 comment:

  1. Love the song choice. One of my favorites. So powerful. Music is a powerful thing, friend.

    This song is an amazing reminder when needed as well.
